One to One Sessions

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field, I’ll meet you there”.

Whatever path you decide to take with me, it will be personal to your needs and will always lead towards Self Love.
I will support you as the individual that you are. Rather than taking a linear approach, each session with me is a weaving and navigating of deep wounds, repressed, and suppressed emotions as well as conditioned programming, which are laid down by our guardians,tribe, culture, religion, society or whoever inhabits our first internal environment.
This is so influential, and you may not be aware that it is running your life or the creator of the stories you are playing out.

“All external relationships are a reflection of the internal relationship we have with ourselves”

I'm most interested in the parts hidden behind personas or unconsciously hidden from yourself.
Your brilliance not yet released and your failings as seen through someone else's eyes that were suppressed by shame before getting a chance to heal.
When your authentic self is revealed a truer sense of wholeness may be experienced. A sense of belonging manifests, self-power is regained, an invisible support from within brings a self assuredness to all ‘if, and or buts’.
Uncertainty becomes an alloy to explore the unknown rather than a constant fear of the future. That in itself puts you back in the driver seat of your own life, puts you back in control.
An important aspect of my work with everyone is building a strong foundation. To do this we work on these following core value enhancers first
To become accountable for your actions towards yourself and others.
To know and show self compassion at every obstacle or wounding we encounter.
To integrate the work into your life.
Commitment to yourself to follow through with this work.
To take responsibility for being the creator of your own life.
You don't have to know how to DO or BE any of these. I only require a willingness to learn and embody them.
Book A Session
Options available for these fundamental sessions are 60 minute sessions, 75 minute sessions or 90 minute sessions. You will be drawn to what works best for you.
To continue the work between sessions I offer recorded audios of personalised integration practices. You can avail of these after your first session with me.
If there are no availabilities please join the waiting list: