1 to 1 Program

"Navigating your own life, a deep dive into you"

It's a Classroom, a Healing Sanctuary, a Training Ground, a Safe Space for you to Discover YOU
This program is designed around your specific needs. Taking into account your current environment as well as the culture and social belief system you grew up in.
We delve into what's influencing you and where in your life you are feeling the blocks in your career, personal and social life.
We take a closer look at your wellbeing/health to see clearly what your body is doing to survive. what's been overworked, compromised or out of balance.
You get to know the big stresses from the little ones. How to regulate safety internally, achieving a balanced mind, equilibrium between systems and an understanding of the body's signals that are guiding you.
You get to know your own rhythm and become acquainted with your own boundaries, where you end and another begins, with strong, fluid, movable boundary lines.
You learn to discern the difference between ego driven and heart led visions and goals.
“The ego will reach its goals regardless of your wellbeing. The heart will change its goals according to your consciousness to include all of you as you expand through Love. This is tricky as the ego is the master of disguise and it likes to be right at all costs, even at the cost of your health and/or relationships.”
Continuing on from the fundamental work we delve into the deeper layers of programming and patterns.
In taking full responsibility for being the creator of your own life purpose we get in touch with the true creator.

"Every thought, action, inaction, emotion has an effect on every particle of our existence."

As my work is not linear we work at the pace determined by your process. Everything continues to adapt and change as you take agency over your purpose .
We go at the speed of your heart and not at the speed of the ego.
This is so important because this work is deep and it takes the time it takes to heal and build new foundations to form a strong rooted connection to the person you are meant to be, to know Pure Source Love, to know what it's like to live from Wholeness.
As we navigate the terrain of your wounding and obstacles preventing you from living your potential, I will create personalised integration practices for you along each stage. These are recordings of approx 20 minute practices that you can access daily. These audios will support you in and through the dissolving process of the patterns keeping you stuck.
From the lived experience of those who have worked with me, we found that to fully heal all aspects of the wounding we need to practice, reprogram, integrate, experience and repeat!

Practice what we've worked on, bring it into your relationships with others and yourself, constantly bringing awareness to your actions with full accountability and self compassion. Becoming the observer of each interaction and noticing what's unfolding without judgement.
Reprogram the mindset from its stronghold with the inner critic constantly berating you and the saboteur leading you towards destructive behaviour. Stretching the mind from narrow linear thinking to broaden your view point, shift perspective. Turn your thinking/being/seeing/expecting into expansion and expression beyond limited fear based programming, to explore what's beyond the obvious, into the vastness of possibilities.
Integrate the healing into the cellular structure of your body and dissolve the scarring from accumulated wounding that prevents the fullness of being, reconnecting all that's fragmented and bridging the gap between mental, emotional, physical and energy/spirit body. Without integration the work in my experience doesn't have a lasting effect. When we integrate, we know where home is within us, we can access our true core, through all the layering of patterns, feeling aligned and remembering who we are beyond who we were told to be.
Experience in real time your relationship with yourself transforming, experience your external relationships shift as your vibration changes and agency is reclaimed. Experience the simplicity of living, loving and being, the full spectrum of all that you are in an extraordinary yet ordinary existence. As you heal each layer of patterning a new experience awaits. From your allness to your nothingness and everything in between.
Once we implement our experience, we weave back to practice again. Each loop is a new beginning, a new dying of the old. You may experience several beginnings and several dissolving or dying off at the same time, which may seem completely unrelated but through this work you will learn that everything is related, everything is connected. Everything leads to a deeper transformation into you.

"This is beautiful program designed around you and your commitment to yourself."
What's in the program
Its a personal journey designed around your lifestyle, environment and beliefs
Its practical, experiential, constantly changing to suit your newer needs as you expand and implement all of your training and integration as we pave the path to the truest you
We address everything in your life, relationships, work, exercise and eating habits, interests and stale habits
What your vision of your best self is, and what's preventing its manifestation
You discover where the inner critic and saboteur are using up you vital energy, we shift this draining of energy into more productive usage and self empowerment
We dig deep into the programming /conditioning playing out in your life, especially the more subtle stubborn patterns
We work with every layer of you, the physical wellbeing, mental management of the untamed mind, the emotions often hiding the deeper pain.
You get an unbiased look at your lineage and cultural influences, what's compressing and/or expanding your life and sense of self
You connect to your spirit body through your breath, awareness practices and other modalities I will teach you, that will suit you specifically, to gain a more fuller perspective of yourself
We delve with curiosity into every obstacle along the way, nothing will be bypassed. Everything has relevance, everything has importance
You learn to know your place in the world, in your community, in your family, in your intimate relationships with grace and confidence
We look at current pains and past hurts bridging the gap between the younger abandoned self and the new you who has taken ownership of their life
You learn to free yourself from the small minded ego into the necessary higher spiritual ego which is essential for expression of your authentic self
You learn and integrate the sacred masculine and divine feminine within you, feeling the power of each and the necessity of their relationship at a cellular level both within you as well as in every organism on this planet
You will experience an expansion in all areas of your life
Each session may present differently as we navigate the terrain of the tapestry that is your life and heal the worn edges, piece together the torn, jagged sections, while discovering new threads never before noticed. Weaving the magnificence of YOU together in wholeness.
Depending on the length of the program you choose will determine the depths we will go in this vast discovery of Self.
Program Choices
6 month program
9 sessions spaced to suit you and also to suit your progress and healing.
4 personalised recorded audio integration practices.
9 month program
14 sessions spaced to suit you and also to suit your progress and healing.
6 personalised recorded audio integration practices.
12 month program
18 sessions spaced to suit you and also to suit your progress and healing.
8 personalised recorded audio integration practices.