Healthy Boundaries

6 Week Online Course

April 8th -May 13th every Tuesday evening

7pm - 9pm gmt

Early Bird Special available until April 1st!

“Healthy Boundaries + A Regulated Nervous System

= Feeling Safe to be your Authentic Self”

What are boundaries?

External - The invisible fences between where you end and another begins! 

Internal - The invisible fences between your True Self and all of your personas!

The first thing we will explore is the need to feel safe, seen and supported while we look at where your boundaries are being exploited, ignored or not being implemented.

In this course, you'll learn to identify, establish, and maintain boundaries that honor your needs and values. 

Boundaries are essential for protecting your time, energy, and wellbeing, and they play a crucial role in fostering healthy relationships, both your own internal as well as all external relationships in your life.

The feeling of being really comfortable & content in your own skin, grounded, expansive and safe to be who you are without compromise to your integrity.

Knowing where you end and another begins and honouring both are some of the skills we will be adding to our awareness as we progress through this course.

Throughout the course, we'll explore various types of boundaries—

physical, emotional, mental, sexual and digital—and provide practical strategies for setting them with kindness and clarity. You'll gain insights into the importance of self-awareness and self-care in boundary setting, and learn how to communicate your limits effectively to others.


Three States of Boundaries: 

1 Rigid

2 Porous  

3 Healthy


Perceived as easy going. Afraid of offending or disappointing another, putting others needs before your own. Not liking confrontation. Feeling let down or hurt but not voicing it. Harbouring resentment. Passive-aggressive behaviour.Only talking about stuff that you feel comfortable, otherwise you shut down or scarper.  Not valuing your own opinion. Keeping the peace. Needing to be liked or approved of. Afraid to or don't know how to stand up for yourself.  Put up with disrespectful behaviour. Saying Yes when you mean no. Overshare personal information.


Know your limits, know how to easily say YES and NO without justifying. Keeping your word.Being okay with asking for help. Respect others' boundaries. Having the ability to manage your own emotions most of the time. Take responsibility for your own happiness. Know what's appropriate when it comes to boundaries with best friends as opposed to with co-workers or business acquaintances. Confronting issues that arise in communication and behaviour and being able to express how you feel safely.


 Closed off. Inflexible. All or nothing in relationships. Fear based rule following.  Hold tension and tightness in the body. Avoid getting too close for fear of rejection. Passive or Aggressive behaviour. May be perceived as being somewhat aloof or cold. Anxious or shut down, never ask for help even when you need it. Perfectionist. Judgemental of self and others. Leaves relationships without confronting the issues 

By only learning the principles just mentioned your entire perspective about yourself and others can change for the better.

 By the end of this course, you'll have the tools and confidence to create a life that reflects your true self, free from unnecessary stress and resentment. Remember, setting boundaries is a courageous act of self-love and respect.

Setting and implementing boundaries from your wounding or unhealed place within yourself will not benefit you or your relationships.  You need to feel safe… I know how to help you do this.

 “The invisible fences between where you end and another begins”

Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

How each week will look…

Week 1

It's all about you!

We will use this actual course as a framework to test out our current state with boundaries and put a few healthy boundary guidelines in place that we can all follow and return to, to help us as we navigate our own internal terrain as well as our external relationships within this course!

We begin with the 3 states of boundaries and establish which you are predominantly operating from. 

 Understanding where and how you learned boundaries(directly or indirectly, safely or through fear & conditioning)

Internal walls, broken fences, high steel gates or no division at all, we look at the origin story of your Boundaries

How to set internal boundaries

Questions + answers plus exploring the question together through doing the work live.

Week 2


How to respect and recognise boundaries in another.

What happens in your system when another implements a boundary with you? We are going to look a little deeper into this and revisit in week 6

The difference in how you feel when you're sure of what's happening on your side of the fence

and what happens when you cross over to another's side or they cross into your side (this will be developed stronger in week 3 +4)

How to begin to set boundaries with another 

Questions  + Answers + live work done in the moment through your participation

Week 3


Dropping your boundary before it has time to be implemented or Reneging on your Boundary very soon after setting it, How and why ?

Going deeper into why we are attracted to certain boundary states in another and finding the cause of this and the reasons we are triggered by another.

How to recognise your own safety parameter and what happens in your body when you find yourself outside of this safety zone.

What to do when you get stuck in an unhealthy rigid (too rigid or not rigid enough) or unhealthy porous situation. (this can last for years)

How to set boundaries both internal and external and knowing the difference

Questions + Answers including  working together on the answers

Week 4


Reactive to Proactive Boundaries

Real life situations, Scenarios and scripts (I will role play and give you the opportunity to feel in realtime what happens when you have your own back and when you don't)

Knowing the difference between defensiveness and curious engagement.

 Practicing what integrating boundaries feels like. What happens when you get uncomfortable and how to use this feeling to learn, heal, own and recover safely.

Learning the flow between the 3 states in different situations, how to navigate in the moment.

How to practice boundary setting in the big wide world (easier than close circle or intimate relationships, great foundational practice) 

Questions + Answers, we are now engaging in finding the answers together

Week 5


Beyond the words we speak or claims we might be making about setting boundaries and moving into tangibly anchoring into our safe, core self, knowing how to return to a healthy state within moments of conflict or confrontation or feeling unsafe in your body. Being able to quickly recognise the boundary state you are in.

Looking at all the different areas where boundaries apply in your life and how you are now viewing them and navigating them

Practices to return to self again and again as you go through your daily life in all relationships

How to implement boundaries internally and externally with our closer circles, intimate partners.

Questions + Answers + we figure it out together.

Week 6


We organise all that we have learned into a flow state in our body for easy access

We implement the learning 

We leave the old way behind, in a clear, clean, healthy way as we find a new foundation and core Boundary detector within ourselves

We operate now from our healed well established healthy boundaries as opposed to reacting from and living through our wounding.

Ready for the next steps in our life, practicing, integrating, reflecting, practicing, integrating , reflecting and on it goes.

Questions + Answer together + self reflection & gratitude towards self


Your body knows the way to peace,

let’s follow it together!

Healthy Boundaries Course

April 8th - May 13th

Tuesday Evenings - Online

7pm - 9pm gmt