Past Life / Ancestral Healing

“As a native of Ireland, I hear the ancient whispers from soil to sea and the soulsong of my ancestors from deep within.”

Clients who have worked on their repeated patterns from this lifetime first, may find a deeper obstacle embedded in their pathway no matter what route they take or relationships they find themselves in.
When a pattern is persistent or really resistant and you are continually playing out old stories from past lives which are directly influencing and curtailing this life then it becomes very clear that we need to investigate this holding/patterning.

We are all carrying the remnants of the wounds and suffering of our ancestors gone before us. This reaches back beyond one or two generations and may be from our immediate family/lineage as well as our culture.
This work is sacred and not only taps into the past, it heals the past, allows it to rest and dissolves its deep embedded hold that it has on your present life.
These are 2 hour sessions