About The Work

“My work is to ensure you do not lose yourself, abandon your truth, compromise your mental health or emotional well being in favour of succeeding in your relationship, career or the life path you have chosen”.

Helping individuals to embrace their truth often hidden beneath persistent patterns and life events or wounding (trauma).
Our Story or stories can define us, often not knowing ourselves without them. Identifying ourselves through these stories can keep us stuck in a loop of similar situations repeating over and over in our lives, the characters being replaced with new ones but the outcome being the same. Once we awaken to the limiting beliefs and patterns we become unstuck and a world of possibility awaits.
Having guided hundreds of clients and students on their journeys towards deeper awareness, self-empowerment and embodiment of their fragmented & wounded parts, real healing has occurred and Wholeness of self experienced.

I work with individuals, couples, and groups, providing a safe and compassionate space.
We’re all a continual work in progress, ever adapting, changing, evolving and expanding within this lifetime. Treatment sessions are unique to each individual's circumstances. I support your personal path to self-realisation.
Journeying through every aspect of yourself and fully Integrating your - physical, mental, emotional and energy bodies is the fundamental work to reclaim your power and know the truest version of yourself. It opens a world of opportunity as all relationships are enriched.

Know more about the work…
I have found it difficult to describe my work for the longest time. I've tried to categorise, pigeon hole and label it but it's not that simple and in saying this I realise with every client I see I can't categorise them either. What I can say is, as I work I'm constantly being guided by you, you're higher consciousness. It works like a thread weaving its way between your physical ailments into a connected emotion, moving into the egoic thinking and through the energy body (not necessarily in that order).
I don't deal with anything in isolation - because healing doesn't work like that.
Unless we treat the whole, the individual parts have no real purpose only to survive, but working as a whole we move beyond survival, where our original authenticity can be experienced.
Each person's tapestry is unique and my work adapts to their changing needs.
Everyone comes to me at different stages along their path and regardless of what their goal or vision may be at that time, my focus is that they find themselves and return to wholeness.
This is when change happens. This is when expansion occurs, bringing clarity, which in itself releases the attachment to the otherwise limiting vision or goal.

“An important part of my work with you is integration.This helps reprogram old patterns, shift from restriction into a vibration of creating and manifesting from wholeness”
How do you know if you need to do this work?
How do you know if you have compromised any of yourself or that you may have unhealed wounding?
How do you know whether you are ego driven or heart led?
See how you are feeling as you read, you will know if or when you need to do the work.
you may truly not know what you feel or how to feel and it frustrates you when asked.
you may have the career or business you worked hard for but feel a lack of joy.
you may work at a very high standard but it's never good enough.
you may have the relationship you were looking for (that ticks all the boxes) but feel hollow inside.
you may have the family you desired but feel overwhelmed and alone.
you may have financial security but it brings little satisfaction, you want more.
you may feel that no matter what you do you can't please your partner.
you may feel blocked in areas of your life, while other areas are thriving
you may be getting good results in career or exams but don't feel confident in your achievements
you may overcompensate, give more than you ever get back, which may result in resentment.
you may get lost in social media scrolling or binge watching something and hate yourself for doing it or compare yourself negatively to others.
you may seek approval both personally and professionally and even when you get it, you don't believe it.
you may be craving alcohol, narcotics, sugar or other distractions to feed an emptiness or push down an unwanted feeling/wound.
you may feel an underlying anxiety, disturbed sleep or you are worried a lot of the time.
you may notice physical ailments manifesting.
you may get triggered or even reactive towards a person by a memory or situation from your past. These moments may be so unexpected and can leave you feeling lousy, embarrassed or ashamed about yourself.
Do you put your health or peace of mind on hold to reach a target because failing is not an option or it may be seen as a weakness
Have you been let down numerous times in personal, social and career situations and find it difficult to trust others
Do you keep the peace rather than speak your truth to avoid conflict.
Do you really struggle to make a decision, fearing it could be the wrong one
you may feel a lack of self worth or low self esteem behind a facade of a happy go lucky/carefree persona.
you may feel you are not enough or you are not doing enough.
you may feel sadness or something you can't quite name or fully access.
you may hold shame around who you were in the past or what you've been through and try hard to hide it.
you may feel you are in the wrong relationship, wrong job,wrong body, wrong location but cannot see a way to change it.
you may feel a lack of connection to those in your life.
“This is what I call getting caught up in the story we have created but it's not our truth”.

“The most important relationship is the one with yourself. It's the most complex of all. Taking the time to cultivate this, enriches all relationships naturally.”

There are transitioning periods in life that people come to work through…
These times can trigger fears of abandonment, lack of safety, lack of support, anxiety about things that don't make logical sense, a feeling of aloneness, a feeling of not being ready for the changes occuring.
Pivotal times in our lives include -
Moving schools, moving to university, entering the dating game, getting a job, moving jobs, starting a business, changing careers, getting married, becoming a parent, giving birth, the death of a loved one or pet, divorce, moving location, retiring, when the children leave home, when relationships end or change.
All of these may have profound effects on your entire system and it is personal to everyone how they navigate these important transitions in their life. Comparing them with others can be a disservice to your own needs.
One thing is for certain: when we ignore or trivialise anything that the body finds difficult or challenging it will manifest in other ways down the line. In physical ailments and rigidity. In mental tension, poor decision making, brain fog. In confused emotional states camouflaging the real issue. In scattered ungrounded energy fields and leaky boundaries. In time these manifest into disease.
We might all agree that short term stress can be a motivator but long term stress has no positive effects on our systems or relationships.
Here are a few aspects we help you work through with the behaviours and patterns playing out in your life.
This work helps you shift to a lighter frequency moving from…
from self judgement into curious observer
from sabotaging behaviour to becoming self aware in the present moment
from being berated by the inner critic to knowing self compassion
from being too nice and people pleasing to being true to yourself and owning your authenticity ( when you get to know it)
from thinking, dreaming or wishing to actually doing something in alignment with your truth.
from feeling stuck or burdened by circumstance to choosing freedom internally.
from suppressing anger to healthy anger and clean communication skills with clear Yes’s and No’s
from neediness to self assuredness, not afraid to fail and strong enough to succeed.
from victim mentality to accountability, taking charge of your life, trusting your gut feeling and strengthening this intuitive knowing.
from uncertainty and fear of scarcity to manifesting abundance
from not knowing your place in your relationships, community and the world to knowing all aspects of you and honouring, respecting and believing in YOU.

A few things I ask of you when we begin our Journey together are;
To take responsibility for being the creator of your own life.
To be accountable for your actions towards yourself and others.
To show self compassion at every obstacle or wounding we encounter.
To integrate the work into your life.
Commitment to yourself to follow through with this work.
You don't have to know how to DO or BE any of these. I only require a willingness to learn and embody them.

With several ways of accessing my work, in-person 1 to1, group workshops or classes, online 1 to1 or the womens online circle.